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Bid Consultancy & Management

It can be difficult to take an unbiased view on whether you are looking at a real opportunity. Your company may not have the resource to dedicate to running a bid or have the right skills to present in front of a client.

Coming up with a solution in a time sensitive environment can be painful. Add the need to stand out from the competition and the pressure can lead you straight towards a loss.

Mozer will take the pressure off you. We will help you to develop your win strategy, run the bid process, and produce persuasive responses that will secure the win!

Win strategy

Having the right strategy is the most important part of the process, both in the solution you recommend, and how you stand out from the competition.

Mozer will work with you to:

  • Understand the client – Identify their challenges and issues that are driving the opportunity
  • Establish the right goals Know their objectives and which ones have the highest priority
  • Make a recommendation – Come up with a solution or set of options that will solve these problems
  • Explain the likely results Justify how you know this will work and what benefit/value it will bring to the client
  • Gather your evidence – Be clear on what makes you the right choice and what differentiates you from the competition

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.

Sir Winston Churchill

Project management

This is the most time consuming and stressful part of the process.

Mozer will:

  • Manage diaries Bring the right people in at the right times
  • Run the process Lead the kick-off meeting, set review meetings, and involve you together and individually to make the best use of your time
  • Keep to programme Set actions and deadlines
  • Manage your team – Bring together the consultants, designers, printers, photographers, and any other suppliers

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

Vincent Van Gogh

Pitch / Presentation coaching

You have dedicated significant time into developing relationships with current and target clients, you made it onto the tender list, and you have been shortlisted for an interview. You put so much effort into this process. So why turn up with 52 printed, generic PowerPoint slides, and let one person drone through it all in the hope that this will be enough to win?

Mozer will help you to:

  • Engage with your client before the presentation – Find out what you need to focus on
  • Prepare your strategy and script – Define how you will win and what you need to focus on at this stage of the process
  • Understand your audience type – Know how to persuade different people in different roles
  • Set a persuasive structure – Focus on the client first and you second
  • Use appropriate visual aidsKeep your audience engaged
  • Close the pitch – Prepare next steps and actions

It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.

Mark Twain

Bid writing

Most people write flowery, complicated nonsense. It’s a real skill to extract knowledge from other’s brains and onto the page in a clear, concise, and persuasive way. Mozer will:

  • Interview your experts – Get the knowledge out of your heads and find the story that will get you the highest marks
  • Get it onto the page – Write up the content in a structured, active, jargon-free way that the reader can understand and follow
  • Break it down – Make it easy to skim the sentences, digest the words and retain as much of the content as possible

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

Albert Einstein


in client revenue


Fee negotiation

You outline your single fee and the terms, but don’t explain how you arrived at that figure. And then when the client negotiates, you are quick to just drop your fee. Why? Because your competitor came in lower? The same competitor your client doesn’t want? Agreeing to reduce your fee sends out a quick message that you overpriced in the first place. Mozer will show you how to:

  • Demonstrate value – Offer a better route to the results that the client is looking for and a better outcome when they get there
  • Give options – Offer the client choices with incentives, contract terms, and timeframes
  • Negotiate – Break down hours/service, put some fees at risk, or ask for more

If you approach a negotiation thinking the other person thinks like you, you are wrong. That's not empathy, that's a projection.

Chris Voss

Bid review

You’ve been on a losing streak for a while, missing out on those top scores, and failing to get thorough feedback to make any meaningful changes. You know your submissions are missing the mark, but you’re too busy to step back and figure out why, and what you need to do about it. Mozer will:

  • Assess past submissions – Look at a selection of your winning and losing bids
  • Check the client brief – See if you accurately responded to what they client asked for
  • Identify the good and bad – Advise what you’re getting right and wrong
  • Help you improve – Give you clear guidance and recommend areas where you can make simple improvements

Without proper self-evaluation, failure is inevitable.

John Wooden

Best practice tools

Putting together case studies, success statistics, CVs, and digging out templates are all tasks that need to be done for any proposal/presentation/client meeting. They suck the time out of an already tight deadline, but you can prepare these beforehand.

Mozer will:

  • Help you create bid info – Produce a central database/intranet for SQ/Sifting Briefs and RFPs/ITTs
  • Build a library – Produce CVs, case studies, procedures and relevant statistics

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

Abraham Lincoln

Feedback, Freedom of Information Requests, & Appeals

We have a solid grasp of procurement regulations and legislation, what Contracting Authorities have a legal obligation to provide, and how to access the information you are entitled to.

  1. Feedback – We can help you to access detailed feedback on your submission when you win and when you lose
  2. Freedom of Information Requests – We will submit a FOI request on your behalf so that you can anonymously gain access to information on your competitors’ submissions
  3. Appeals – We can submit an appeal to an award decisions/outcome for you instead of/before going down a formal litigation route.

We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.

Bill Gates

Graphic design & print

The average person gets distracted in just eight seconds and a whopping 81% of people only skim read content. Added to that, they only remember 10% of what you wrote or said.

The logic behind choosing to professionally design your bid document and supporting presentation aids is to make your content more persuasive, easier to digest, and increase the amount that the reader/audience will remember. It can increase your ability to recall from 10% to 65%.

Mozer works in partnership with Wedidit Creative, a specialist bid and proposal design agency, to:

  • Provide bespoke and creative design solutions unique to each client
  • Develop concepts that captures your bid and visually engages with your
  • customers, making key information stand out
  • Help you to navigate through sections, making it easier to evaluate
  • Advise and select the right media, print materials and quality finishes
  • Work within your budget to reflect the type of client and level of opportunity

Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney

Social value

Since September 2020, businesses seeking to win government work must set out how they will also deliver social value priorities, contributing to at least 10% of the evaluation criteria in a tender process.

Government bodies will use the social value model to assess and score suppliers on the wider positive benefits they will bring to the contract.

Mozer works with Envoy Partnership, a social value and impact management consultancy, to support organisations through their social value journey and

  • Develop social value strategies
  • Focus and quantify measurable social value bid responses
  • Communicate social value to internal and external stakeholders
  • Train clients to improve social value delivery

Envoy Partnership is a Partner of Social Value UK. They contributed to the UK Green Building Council’s Framework for defining social value, and the Construction Value Hub’s Value Toolkit.

Work is valued by the social value of the worker.

Gloria Steinem

Carbon net zero

Organisations need to demonstrate how they will deliver climate resilient projects in nearly all bids and tenders. Greengage work with Mozer clients to provide both strategic and project specific advice and design guidance on how to maximise Biodiversity Net Gain, energy efficiency, and deliver net zero projects.

The team has specialists in biodiversity, energy, and sustainability, some of whom sit on council design review panels and are part of industry working groups on green infrastructure, Biodiversity Net Gain, net zero, and circular economy. The team will work with Mozer clients to:

Develop ESG as well as individual strategies for biodiversity and net zero

  • Prepare biodiversity, energy efficiency, net zero and broader ESG bid responses, including how the design will respond to the requirements and how it can be measured
  • Communicate biodiversity, energy efficiency, net zero and broader ESG requirements and actions to internal and external stakeholders
  • Train clients to improve biodiversity, energy efficiency, net zero and broader ESG delivery

Some of Greengage’s clients include Local Planning Authorities, Social Housing Providers, major developers, and Institutional Investors.


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The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.

Robert Swan

Search tender opportunities / Bid tracker

Public sector opportunities are complex. Stotles makes it simple

With thousands of contracts published every year across multiple tender portals, it can be overly complex and bureaucratic for suppliers to find relevant opportunities.

Stotles is the all-in-one platform to solve this problem and simplify your public sector sales, centralising millions of UK&I government opportunities into one view, tailored to you. With Stotles, suppliers can track buyers, partners, and competitors, and approach them with the right message, at the right time.

Stotles free plan  

Users on the Stotles free plan can access personalised feeds of hyper-relevant tenders and prior information notices, organise opportunities with qualification tools, bookmarks and saved views, and create proactive workflows with daily email alerts on market movement and CRM integrations.

Mozer partner-level access 

Signing up with Mozer partner-level access will give access to the free plan features plus contract award data. With contract award data, you can search through upcoming contract expiries to identify potential renewals and downstream opportunities for your business.

Get free Stotles partner access

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The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
